Spain takes Iranian channel Hispan TV off air

The Spanish government has ordered the satellite service provider Hispasat to take the Iranian Spanish language channel, Hispan TV off the air in a blatant assault on the freedom of speech.



Happy New Year everyone ! In a year it´s inevitable that you are going to lose heavily at some stage so , tactically, we decided to get it out of the way in our first match of 2013. Javea Opals took no prisoners beating us ten – nil (95 shots to 52 shots ) and for good measure took the friendly game as well.

Paul Brown,Hugh Stevens and Geoff Pack lost 16 – 24
Liz Griffiths,Ernie Ritchie and Eileen Whitmore lost 15 – 16
Ted Campbell, Robert Daplyn and Margaret Anstey lost 10 – 34
Stan Walmsley,Alan Steed and Betty Walmsley lost 11 – 21
Roy Fuller, Steve Mable and Geraldine Stevens ( Friendly ) lost 14 – 18

Liz,Ernie and Eileen were really very unlucky. They played well enough to lead all the way through the game until the 17th end when Opals scored “four” to level at 15-all. In a very tight last end the Opals just got the shot and the win.

Stan, Alan and Betty kept up with a very strong Opals trio superbly led by John Coates and were level 8-all after ten ends. At that stage Opals had a nice little run ,topped off with a five shot conversion from John on the 13th end, and that was enough to see them home.

Paul,Hugh and Geoff were victims of the dreaded “13” syndrome.After seven ends they had established a convincing 13 – 3 lead but then got stuck on it whilst the Opals amassed 18 shots to lead 21 – 13 after 14 ends. The last four ends were shared and they could only reflect on the “seven” dropped on the eighth end which virtually sealed their fate

Ted, Margaret and Robert never really got going and won only two of the first eleven ends to trail 7 – 23.That was a mountain to climb but the Opals piled on the agony and took four of the last five ends to make certain.

In the “friendly” Roy, Steve and Geraldine gave as good as they got. The Opals caught them cold on the first end for five shots so to lose by only four was very creditable. Just shows you have to be on the ball right from the “off”

No excuses for the result – we did have several players making their debut or with limited match experience but the Opals played very well and their win enabled the other two Javea teams to leap-frog over us in the League. Hopefully we can improve ( well, we can´t go any worse) for our next game – we will have to if we are to take points away from BBC Lions.

See you next time !

Sponsored by Europa Network S.L.


Spanish Post Office

CORREOS plans to sell newspapers from its 2,300 offices throughout Spain.

The Spanish post office network will sell papers, office equipment, stationery goods and computer equipment.

The company has presented a plan which is to be completed within 1,500 days which aims to increase the commercial capacity of its offices and make them the “best provider of physical and electronic communication services on the Spanish market.”

The measures it plans include providing postal services at “competitive” prices, giving new life to traditional post and promote courier and online services.

Other plans are to provide solutions for major clients, attract new companies and offer services abroad.

The President, Javier Cuesta, presented the project before the Ministry of Public Works and the Tax Ministry.


Well, that should really slow down the service at the La Marina Urb. post office even more. It's already appalling and now she's going to sell papers and the like.
By the time you get to pay for one, it'll be yesterday's news.
Not a good idea.

Commented David in La Marina 2013-01-14 08:55:52 UTC

Maybe from all that extra profit they are going to make, they will employ an extra person.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2013-01-14 09:13:38 UTC

Birdwatching in Spain

I came across this today worth watching. Quite an eye opener as to what is in Spain.
Birding in Spain. Landscapes & Birdlife of one of the most amazing natural places in Europe.


For Sale

Lubber Bags & Lubbs for sale. Also need advice on how to get a market trading lic, please contact if you know anyone who can help :-) from [email protected]


I have been told in the past that there are two varieties of markets. Type one is those run by local town halls. For which you need to go and apply at the Town Hall.
Type two not run by Town Hall private type projects. For these you just turn up and ask for the organiser. They will tell you the details.

Commented Hope in La Marina 2013-01-05 17:05:51 UTC

Hi Sandie
One thing I have been told in the past, is that on some markets supervisors have been asking for a backhander. Don't fall for it. As things are at the moment there is nearly always pitches available. It's getting a good position that is important. Near the snack bar can be a good site if you can get it.

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2013-01-06 08:28:48 UTC

Sound advice, many thanks :-)

Commented sandie in Calpe 2013-01-07 15:46:25 UTC

Many thanks, more enquiries needed i think :-)

Commented sandie in Calpe 2013-01-07 15:47:14 UTC

Rare interview with Spain's king

Spanish King Juan Carlos gave his first interview in over a decade to commemorate his 75th birthday on Saturday.


A fresh Interest in Spain

Are you looking for a new project in life? Something to get your teeth into? A new interest?
Whether it be fairly small or a somewhat larger project?
Well we have a few Projects available locally in your immediate area .
They range from locally just looking after your own towns flow of information on it’s forum. With a positive leaning towards local charity events, being well published including the news of how the event went. Also to help local smaller independent businesses who are putting on local events or special offers being well publicized on the forum. Plus overseeing, the local Wall section.
On a larger scale certain areas are available as a business project. In this case a small rental would be paid to ASL.
There is also an opportunity in a few areas for either Estate Agents or Rental Agents to take on board the possibility of receiving all the incoming inquiry’s for Property for sale or Rental inquiries. These are now increasing day by day.
A Spanish Life is Ranked in the top 3 on Google (and very shortly it will be the No1 Forum). La Marina Life and other areas in the group such as Quesada Life are No1 already which means that "A Spanish Life" is starting to prove to be a force to reckon with in Spain. These forums are followed very closely in other Countries by property owners who just own a local villa or apartment over here.

SO - is this for you? If so, please contact us at
OR, to have a chat and learn more details please Tel: 96-679-0844


Alicante Airport Car Hire

i wonder if anyone could help and recommend the best hire company based at the no hidden costs no fuel charges etc...what you pay online is all you pay...many thanks.


Commented Douglas in La Marina 2013-01-05 08:59:55 UTC

Government warns of tax rebate phishing scam

TAX authorities in Spain have warned of a series of 'phishing' emails going round purporting to be from them and telling the recipient he or she has a refund due.

These emails, which the tax ministry says look very authentic, ask for the person's bank details to reimburse them overpaid tax for the previous year.

This then allows the sender to empty the victim's account.

Normally, to get a tax refund due, residents have to fill out a form very similar to that which shows on the email.

But the ministry says it only ever returns overpaid tax via strictly-controlled and secure channels, usually by mailing a hard copy of the refund notice in the post from the government's tax collection agency, the Agencia Tributaria.

The ministry of tax will never ask for credit card or debit card details via a form on their website.

They have uncovered the scam as a result of various reports from residents in Spain saying they had received these emails.


Dogs Poo

Parts of Calpe will soon be knee deep in dogs mess unless something is done to rectify the situation. Judging by the amount of poo around every tree, on the roads, pavements and graveled areas, I would say at least 75% of dog owners do not pick up after their dog. Dog owners should be ashamed of how they are downgrading some areas, by turning into one huge dogs toilet. Have these people not got a conscience or any pride in where they live?
The UK used to be the same until it became socially unacceptable not to pick up after your dog and now the situation is vastly improved.
So please dog owners pick up after your dog and take some pride in the place; make life better for us all and Calpe a place that we can be proud to live in. Written by Salty Dog


Hate to say it but I think Spain has a long way to go yet on this subject.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2013-01-04 10:06:55 UTC
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