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About GL Troubridge, The Author • GL

GL Troubridge was born in 1971 in Chelmsford, England
She met her husband to be at 19 and finally married at 31.
She has a son and a daughter.
As huge animal lovers the family have two Rhodesian Ridgebacks and six cats.

At school her teachers always encouraged her love of music, poetry and writing. These loves have stayed with her.

At the age of 11 her family left the UK to live in the USA. GL was lucky to journey around the states for many months before settling and attending school in Rancho Cordova. Unfortunately they had to return to England.

As a teenager she is the first to admit to driving her parents mad with her antics. Now, though all grown up her sense of fun and humour is still alive and kicking: its just matured a bit!

GL has been a vegetarian since the age of 12 and although her husband is a part time meater, both of her children were brought up as vegetarian. Her son now eats meat but her daughter is still a vegetarian. GL has never pushed her vegetarian opinions on to her family or friends but will always help to endorse a healthy veggie diet if asked to do so.

When her first child was born GL worked from home and later worked in forensics.

She now writes full time and has moved to Spain to live a completely different life. A big part of starting this new life was a cancer scare. This really made GL think about finding a life where they could spend more time as a family.

GL started telling stories when her children were very young, encourageing them to use their imaginations to help build their stories. Kidan became a favourite and so GL started to write her adventures down.

Kidan came about when GL´s daughter joined a karate class at the age of 7 after bullying at school. This small act changed all their lives completely. Several years later her youngest also joined at the age of 4.

Supporting my children took up most of my time as they took their art form very seriously."

Years later both children started to teach in their own academy in Spain.

"Their commitment never stops amazing me!"

The academy has been open for 4 years and is going from strength to strength!




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